Emma searches 1M+ jobs from top companies across multiple job boards.

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Our AI Career Coach Emma searches through 1M+ jobs in





from top companies.

Let AI handle the

job-hunting bullsh*t

Let AI handle the job-hunting bullsh*t.

AI-powered job matching and automated applications.

Apply to hundreds of jobs in seconds.

Our AI-Powered Career Coach Emma matches you to new, relevant job postings that fit your preferences and unique profile.

She then automatically applies to them on your behalf.

Save 10+ hours per week.

Emma helps you take back your negotiating power.

Recruiters and hiring managers use AI to sort through thousands of applications without reviewing them manually.

Now you do too.

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Emma helps you take back your negotiating power.

The truth is, recruiters and hiring managers use AI to sort through thousands of job applications without reviewing them manually.

Now you do too.

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Fun fact: it takes on average 5-10 minutes to read through and apply to each job posting.

That means that it typically takes 12-24 hours to apply to 150 job postings. Emma will help save you 12-24 hours each week to focus on other things that matter, like interview prep.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Rapidly work?

Are there any consequences to auto applying?

What caliber of jobs does Emma auto apply to?

How do I track my applications?

Can I change my job preferences?

How do I get notified about interviews?

Is this considered spamming applications?

How do I avoid double applying manually?

How does Rapidly work?

Are there any consequences to auto applying?

What caliber of jobs does Emma auto apply to?

How do I track my applications?

Can I change my job preferences?

How do I get notified about interviews?

Is this considered spamming applications?

How do I avoid double applying manually?

Get Started —>

Get Started —>

Fun fact: it takes on average 5-10 minutes to read through and apply to each job posting.

That means that it typically takes 12-24 hours to apply to 150 job postings. Emma will help save you 12-24 hours each week to focus on other things that matter, like interview prep.

Get Started —>

"It's like having your own career coach that automatically finds and applies to the best jobs for you."

Don't just take our word for it.

Don't just take our word for it.



I decided to give Rapidly a try in my senior year of college. Emma applied to hundreds of job postings for me and I ended up getting a full-time offer from a Fortune 100 company.



I interviewed with Databricks, Coinbase, and Niantic thanks to Rapidly.



During my latest job search, I used Rapidly, not expecting much. After a few weeks, I started getting interviews with dream companies that I probably wouldn't have known to apply to on my own (I primarily use LinkedIn for my job search). 100% recommend.



I was working full time and didn't have extra time/energy to apply to other jobs. I signed up for Rapidly, and set my preferences pretty high. I started getting interview requests after a short while. It's like consistently getting recruiters in your inbox, except it's for jobs you actually want and it cuts out the additional step of talking to a recruiter.

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"It's like having your own career coach that automatically finds and applies to the best jobs for you."

Made with ❤️ in California.

Made with ❤️ in California.